Deliveries between 9.00am to 4.00pm Tuesday to Friday

Experience, and then some. Meet Bernie Retchford

by Paul Hillman April 04, 2020

Experience, and then some. Meet Bernie Retchford

There are certain things you can only learn in the butchery industry with time. And with over 30 years of experience our Bernie knows plenty of tricks of the trade that he’s willing to share with our customers. Bernie is now a bit of a local identity having worked in the area for over twenty years and is well known and liked.

Always a friendly face welcoming you into our stores, Bernie knows his meat and will always make sure you get the best we have to offer.


Paul Hillman
Paul Hillman


Also in Meet The Team

Straight from the 70's. Meet Joseph Davies.
Straight from the 70's. Meet Joseph Davies.

by Paul Hillman February 27, 2024

Joseph is our newest recruit. He's a mature age apprentice and is into his second year with the firm.

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Knowledge is key. Meet Steve Lyttle
Knowledge is key. Meet Steve Lyttle

by Paul Hillman April 04, 2020

With a wealth of experience in both retail and wholesale butchery spanning over 20 years, you can always rely on Steve to deliver.

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It’s in the blood. Meet Brian Dalzell
It’s in the blood. Meet Brian Dalzell

by Paul Hillman May 17, 2016

There’s a certain pride in being a born, bred, raised, educated, trained, moisture-infused, crumbed, minced and marinated butcher. Brian comes from a strong line of Irish generational butchers—and it shows.

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